2011-05-22 - Seneca Creek and Magruder Branch Trails


~8.7 miles @ ~13.7 min/mi

Jennifer Weiland is ready to go at 0505 when I arrive at her home, and we beat Caren Jew to the Watkins Mill Rd trailhead by 30 seconds, taking care along the way not to activate speed-cameras. Multiple big dogs dash through the woods, excited to see us. A small herd of deer watch from the ridge. At the deep-water Magruder Branch crossing I chicken out and ask Caren if there's not another route we can take, so she shows us a neighborhood side trail. We turn back near a back yard treehouse. The ladies are amused by how much better they are at cursing than I am.

(see GPS trackfile for details) - ^z - 2011-06-01